The Knowledge Bank is a selection of resources on grammar, sentence structure, and essay organization that might be useful to you as we move through the semester. The materials are in the form of videos and handouts and may be perused at your leisure. At various points during the semester, I may also direct you to visit the Knowledge Bank for information on how to improve your writing.
The Knowledge Bank is a living, growing thing, and new items will be added to it throughout the semester. If you have a question about grammar, sentence structure, or essay organization and do not see materials on the subject here, you should feel free to request new materials be added by either posting to the Q&A discussion or sending me an email.
Writing Resources
See the sites below for help with all writing matters from capitalization rules and punctuation guidelines to attention to audience and purpose. These are excellent sources to utilize as you move through this course and future courses.
Research Information
The videos below offer information about academic integrity (avoiding plagiarism), provide an overview of the Newman Library, and explain how to access databases in the Newman Library.
Academic Integrity Information from SPS (6:37)
An Introduction to the Newman Library (6:23)
Accessing Databases in the Newman Library (1:01)